أخبار محلية

صرف راتب ٣ أشهر “مقدمًا” لأسر الشهداء.. والوزير توضح لـ”الوطنية” السبب

أعلنت رئيس مؤسسة رعاية أسر الشهداء والجرحى انتصار الوزير مساء اليوم الأحد، صرف 3 أشهر من مخصصات أسر الشهداء مقدّمًا، نهاية الشهر الجاري.

وكشفت الوزير في مقابلة خاصة مع “”، أن السلطة قررت تأسيس بنك الاستقلال، كبنك داخلي فلسطيني، يقوم بتغطية صرف رواتب أسر الشهداء، إذ ستوقف كل البنوك الأخرى التعامل مع رواتب أسر الشهداء، نتيجة لقرارات سلطات الاحتلال الأخيرة، المتعلقة بأموال المقاصّة.

وحتى إنشاء هذا البنك، أكدت الوزير أن البنوك العاملة حاليًا ستقوم بصرف مخصصات الأشهر الـ3 مقدّمًا، إذ يتم تجهيز الأوراق الرسمية والمعلومات الخاصة بالمستفيدين، لإتمام المعاملات الخاصة بإنشائه.

وبيّنت عدم وجود أي تغيير على قائمة العائلات المُستحقة لصرف المخصصات.

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‫49 تعليقات

  1. A systematic investment plan calculator ensures that your savings portfolio is as per your requirements and financial needs. We are big belivers of the Crypto.org chain, so it’s always a pleasure to help ! Staking rewards are calculated in a variety of ways, but all aim to reward those who hold onto their tokens for the long term. The exact calculation depends on the type of staking protocol used. Coins Live Watch A systematic investment plan calculator ensures that your savings portfolio is as per your requirements and financial needs. Cronos has been built on Cosmos and is designed to be EVM compatible. It has an ecosystem of more than 300 dApps and has an active community supporting its growth and development. Cronos is a Layer 1 network while Crypto.Org is an application specific chain, since both chains are built on the Cosmos network, this allows for better a level of interoperability between them. But why would they need to interact?
    Large financial institutions, like the NYSE and USAA, were part of the company’s $75M Series C in January 2015. According to an NYSE press release, the Series C investment helped “ Coinbase’s growth utilizing global distribution capabilities and market expertise.” Indeed, Coinbase would launch the “Coinbase Exchange” geared toward professional investors in the same month. This would later rebrand to the “Global Digital Asset Exchange,” or GDAX. In November 2015, USAA partnered with Coinbase to allow their customers to monitor their cryptoasset wallet balances when they log into their USAA accounts. Erika Rasure is globally-recognized as a leading consumer economics subject matter expert, researcher, and educator. She is a financial therapist and transformational coach, with a special interest in helping women learn how to invest.

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